Scott called me about his adorable big girl Penny. She had snapped at some kids recently, and he was nervous about that. Very understandable! I worked with him on creating a trust from Penny that he was going to keep kids away from her, and he was in charge, so she didn’t need to worry because no kids would be coming close to her. Some dogs just don’t like kids. Just like some humans. It’s not fair to ask dogs to accept kids fawning on them, reaching for them, walking up to them. But it is fair to ask dogs to NOT snap at kids when they may possibly pass by or be in the area. We worked with Penny on basic obedience and walking nicely on the leash and also coming when called. Then we took her out to Cosmic Coffee & Beer and also Garrison Park to practice being around kids. As well as to show her that Scott was not letting any of the kids come near her. Penny did great! Engaged with her dad, didn’t even look sideways at any kids.