#4 Essential Dog Item - Doggie Gate

#4 Essential Dog Item: Doggie Gate

Closing and sectioning off your house while you have a dog living in it, is strongly advised for several reasons. Dogs shouldn’t have the run of the house. They shouldn’t be allowed to go wherever they want all the time, especially while you are out of the house.

Being sectioned off and contained often gives dogs a sense of safety and helps them to relax. Kind of like in a den or burrow. This is why the crate works well for calming dogs. It also reminds them that they aren’t the King or Queen of the land, YOU are. 😉 You get to decide where they will wile away their hours, not them. You get to give them permission and keep them where you want them. Isn’t that great! It’s all about you! In addition, we are setting the dog up for success, by not giving them access to the front window to bark at all moving things, or go upstairs and randomly decide your new shoes are now hers for the enjoying. Dogs do random things. Keeping them contained in the kitchen, or area where they are not near front windows, and can have an accident on the floor if they need to, and cannot get into too much chewing or otherwise destructive trouble, is the way to set up your home for life.

Above, you can see a picture of a gate for wide areas, and a gate with a kitty door. No matter your doorway or space, there is a gate for you!

Larger pet stores will have gates, such as Petsmart, Petco, Pet Food Express in the Mission on Market street. Smaller stores will have them as well, so do go ahead and check them out first if they are more convenient. However, if you can’t find something you need or like, check out baby gates at baby stores. And online.

No matter how angelic or old or small your pup is, you should have a pet gate to section them off while you are out of the house, or having guests over that don’t like dogs, etc. If you have a crate, leave it in this area for your pet to use if they feel insecure ever.